One of the major adjustments in going back to work is getting up and out of the house so early. Even when I had 8AM classes, I didn't get up until 630AM. Now, I'm getting up at 530AM (before DH) to be at work before 730AM -- including time to pick up coffee, of course.
    The good news is that, at least for right now, I enjoy beautiful sunrises and sunsets, like the one tonight:
looking west
looking east
    I am sorry the photos are so blurry; I just wanted to give a little hint of how pretty it was this evening -- after a day that began quite stormy. Of course, I had to be walking around campus in-processing all morning! I did manage to get a few other important errands done as well.
    So far, so good with the job duties, too. Now to get past that overwhelming mid-afternoon sleepiness!
    Speaking of being sleepy... I won't be up too long tonight either, but I would like to get a few inches on the WWII scarf. December 10th will be here lickety-split. And my blue socks are crying for me to return to them.
those are beautiful sky scenes and I imagine would help make the journey smoother. 5:30am, oooh, if I'm ever awake that early, I will think of you :)
Road photos are supposed to be blurry. LOL I do not envy the early morning commute.
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