Thursday, October 05, 2006

tag, I'm it

5 Weird Things About Me

Rissa said, "That leaves me to tag someone, so I will tag those poor souls who know me in real life; Cynthia, Lisa, and Karin. I know you girls are reading this…so now you are tagged! I figure that if they are friends with me, you know they have to be a little off center." (Emphasis mine.)

Hmmm. I think that's a compliment. Not sure these are so very weird, but...

1. I have a bridge phobia which probably stems from recurring nightmares I had as a child of going off the end of a drawbridge in a car.

2. When I find an author I like, I want to read EVERYTHING they have written and order of publication.

3. I am too lazy to cook, but I collect cookbooks. This goes hand-in-hand with watching the Food Channel. Oddly, I also hate to clean house, but I don't collect books about that!

4. I love to buy gifts, but I hate to package them up to mail off. I have Christmas presents in my dining room from last year for relatives in MD.

5. I don't like long phone conversations any more. Used to talk for hours with friends and relatives. Now they probably all think I hate them cause I never call people unless I really need to talk to them about something. On the other hand, I can waste all day chatting online.

My blog-buddies have all been tagged except one, but if anyone reading this wants to play along, consider yourself tagged! Let me know in the comments, please. Cynthia

1 comment:

Rissa said...

I am with you on the phone thing. I just can't do it like I used to once upon a time. Obviously, I am also like you with the online chatting thing, since we seem to do it most days. LOL

The cookbook thing is funny. :-) I love to cook, but I almost never use cookbooks, except as inspiration. hehehe