Wednesday, September 13, 2006

new hope?

    Late this evening, I checked the job postings at the university. I usually do this a couple times a week, and almost always on Mondays. I'm guessing that the last day I looked was last Wednesday, because tonight there are two new postings for positions at the library. One was listed last Thursday and the other was posted today. I immediately applied for both, wrote my former supervisor to find out who the supervisors are (and hopefully she will provide other juicy details), and now... well, now I'm in anticipation mode.     So, cross your fingers or say a prayer -- not so much for getting the job as for IF I get the job being able to have off the week of Seminar for which I have already paid, and for the trip to Tibet next May for which I paid TODAY my non-refundable deposit! Cyn


Lisa Dunn said...

How exciting that you made your deposit on the trip to Tibet! I really envy you getting to go over there. Or at least I think I do. I always think I would like to travel out of the country, but I may be too set in my comfort-loving, my-way-or-the-highway ways to enjoy travelling that far.

I got my fingers crossed for you - that you will get the job and that they won't give you any hassle about your time off!

Rissa said...

Crossing my fingers for you too.