Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Sigh.     My dear advisor doesn't come to campus on Tuesday. I must wait one more day to find out if I can even begin to resolve the issues with the RELBA. S'okay. I'm trying not to worry. The good news today is that three of the four people I have asked (haven't asked the fourth yet) to write letters of recommendation for grad school for me have said yes... and very enthusiastically so.     I do hope that a research carrel becomes available soon. I didn't realize I would have so much free time on campus this semester or I would have applied earlier. I think I am third on the wait list.     The question of the day is... do I embarass myself by writing to the program director of our Spanish in Mexico program to inquire as to how my grade was determined? That B brought down my GPA a bit, and what I really want to know is why the quiz portion of my grade in one class is 13/30! The email address I have for our teacher in Mexico bounces, so my only way to contact her is through the PD.... I just don't know if I should bother. One the one hand, I'm happy to have survived the course and gotten a B. BUT, on the other hand, if the quiz grade is only half what it should be, I probably actually have an A. AND, what if I only make B's this semester in my Philosophy (Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Freud, Marx, Tolsoy, Dostoyevsky, OH MY!) and Judaism classes? If my GPS falls below 3.5 I won't graduate with high honors and all my thesis work will be for naught. GAWD! I sound like I'm 20 years old. Why the heck does it matter so much to me??     I think I need to knit a bit tonight.... and that's something else I need/want to do: set up some knit sessions on campus for KniTibet. I should probably go to the Amnesty International meeting Thursday. I'm hoping to get one or two one campus organizations to sponsor the drive for caps & scarves & mittens. LC

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