Tuesday, August 31, 2004


    Some days I am just too stupid to pay attention to all the lessons the Universe has been trying to teach me for the past forty-something years. Today was one of them.     In order to avoid the outrageous prices of textbooks (don't kid yourselves, it ain't about education,it's about M-O-N-E-Y!!), I purchased some of my books off of half.com and eBay. I'm still waiting to find one of them that I'm willing to buy, and for another one of them to arrive. However, in the class for the book which hasn't arrived, we have two papers to write from a choice of four topics, and rather than two due dates, there is a due date for each subject. So if you write on topic #1, it is due first; if you write on topic #4, it is due last. I am willing to do any of them except topic #2 (involves watching cartoons and counting acts of aggression [shudder]), and the first one (on prenatal development) is due Friday.     One of my son's friends is also in my class, so I asked if I could borrow his book to review the chapter which covers this topic (paper is to be written about personal experience but related back to the material within the text). So, since he planned to be using the book last night, I made arrangements to drive back to campus this morning. I also planned to assist other son in setting up his wireless network adapter if he needed it. He did... but....     phew.... this is going to get really long if I don't cut to the chase.... short of it is, I got a parking ticket and almost towed away for parking in a no parking zone of one of the lots. How the hell I missed seeing ALL the frickin' signs is beyond me! The parking fine is $50! But worse than that they are going to make me pay the towing fee because they 'already called it in' -- another $70!!! Can we all say 'stressed'? So much for trying to save $40 on a textbook.     I just should have stayed home in bed and hoped my book arrived, or that friend would loan it to me Wednesday night. Oh, no..... I had to plan ahead (for a change, since I nag the boys about waiting until the last minute and have to set a good example, right?). Who knows what might happen between now and Thursday night when I would need to finish the paper (this is a short little paper, y'all --- nothing to get all worked up about in the first place).     Why does this sh!t happen?? And one of the young woman on the ticketing staff had the gall to say, "why can't they all be like her" because I was calmly dealing with the situation and not fighting them about it. Heck no, the hell-raisers or those who can tell a big whopping lie, or name-drop someone important, they'll get their fines removed. Not me. Heavens no. And what makes it worse is that they probably don't believe I didn't realize what I was doing because I was so calm, therefore, fully cognizant of what I was doing and that I've been 'caught.' Right?     Wrong. Wrong. I just had a STUPID attack!     What really makes me sad is that this will basically cost me ALL the money I've saved by carefully shopping for books on sale -- which helped out those people who sold them to me -- and also, I sold two of my summer session books and a bunch of beads and a bunch of beading magazine, just so that the money for my books would NOT come out of our bill-paying money. It's really no wonder people get to a point where they just don't give a damn any more.     Ya know... I've always sort of had this superstition, that you didn't speak certain things aloud. You don't 'tempt fate' or the devil or whatever one wants to name "it." Yesterday on my drive home from classes, I was THINKING about how happy I was, how well things had turned out. Not perfect, and there was hard work ahead, but I was pretty happy.
S M A C K ! ! ! !
    Do I feel like writing the *&%^*@ paper now?? Oh yeah. Sure. LC

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