Sunday, February 29, 2004

Leaping and leaping

It was 4:30am this morning when I finally got the finally stitching done and the black wool (Berella Muskoka) cap for my dear friend off the needles! I had it almost finished a few days ago and ran out of thread before I had the double-layer finished. So rip, rip, rip, and work a rib cuff til I ran out of thread. It is packaged up and ready for the post tomorrow. I did take photos, but they will stay on the camera for a while: I seem to have misplaced the cable to connect to my computer! Just one more thing on the MIA list, which includes my close-work glasses with the clip-on magnifiers and my thermal-eaze gloves. In the mail yesterday arrived a poncho pattern, which, of course, I *had* to begin today. Actually, I'm supposed to meet up with another knitter tomorrow (which also means KWR -- knitting while riding -- time), so I wanted something sort of simple to take along. Didn't get my dance costumes sewn this weekend as I planned... again. But, at least the room is in better shape for some sewing now, and I have the fabric ready to be sewn, including three pairs of harem pants, three skirts and some veils. Back to the poncho, LC

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