Tuesday, October 09, 2007

¿tu diabetes?

SugarStats led me to another diabetes site, a social network, in fact. There's a new link to it and to SugarStats in the sidebar (Tu Diabetes is the trio or hands -- with pricked fingers.) It's a little unwieldy to get around, and it's quite slow moving from one page to another (maybe it's just my computer), but I hope to benefit by being there.

hay una versión española también: EsTuDiabetes.com

ETA: My problems with TuDiabetes seem to have been related to something particular to Tuesday night -- last night things worked fine... by "unwieldy" I meant that the forums format was different than I expected. It is more like an aggregate reader...which is not bad, just different! :D I've added the forum RSS feeds to my Google Reader; I might like that better.

1 comment:

manny hernandez said...

If you write to me with your computer's specs, I'd be glad to tell you whether it could be your machine or something else. Also, if you are accessing TuDiabetes through a dial-up connection, that could be the cause.

In any case, thanks for posting about the site in here. My e-mail if you need me is manny at tudiabetes dot org.

Take care! :)