Monday, July 31, 2006


    Summer classes are over, and I have one whole week (!) to relax and piddle around the house before I go to back to work at the library over the break. Yesterday and today I managed to get a little housework done. And organized my old class notes and papers now that the semesters are over. Getting ready for the new one. And some knitting. And, hm... well, just odds and ends I guess.     Like tracking down the which hotel in Saint Augustine we stayed the last time we were there. Unfortuately, it took all afternoon. But, now I know the name.     As for the knitting, I've been working on a hat for the premature baby of an acquaintance. The first one was too small, but the second one is good, I think. And today I started a third, just because I wanted to try a little fuzzy thread with what I'd been using. Which is LB's Microspun. I pulled it out of my stash because I knew it would be very soft to the skin of the baby, and easy to care for by the mom.    Am still (slowly) losing weight, so I hope that my sugar is good when I get back to the doctor. I have an appointment soon. The size 14 capris I bought before I went to Mexico are loose, so I went to buy 12s -- they really didn't seem that much smaller, so I tried on the 10s. I like the way they fit, so I bought a couple pair. Admittedly, these are stretch capris, so I can't be that excited. Especially since I also bought two size 16 skirts that weren't stretch or elastic.     I picked up an underbed storage box for the tops and slacks that are too big, so that's a project for tomorrow. Late in the week, the plan is to get all the furniture out of the bedroom and finish painting it (don't ask), so over the weekend we can put down the new carpet.     Laundry calls. Had to rewash hubby's clean clothes that the cats pissed all over while they were sitting in the laundry room waiting to be folded. Cats are crazy.... LC


Rissa said...

Why can't I ask about the painting? It just makes me *want* to ask! :-D Hope things go well at your next doctor's visit.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's just embarassing. I began to paint the bedroom while Rodger was working in San Diego. That was about three+ years ago. I got one wall and trim finished before he came home, and I never got back to it. In the meantime, we've acquired our three cats, and painting the room means shutting them up in the back so I can leave the bedroom door open so the fumes don't do further damage to my fragile mental abilities. There. Aren't you glad you asked?? >>big kiss<<